OCS 서버 제거 순서 - Remove OCS Server



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How to remove an OCS Standard Edition Server


Standard Edition of OCS 2007 hosts following roles on a single server:


Front End Server

Web Component Server

Web conferencing Server

A/V Conferencing Server


Before you take final decision to remove the server, ensure that the server which you want to remove doesn't host any user.

Once you are sure that you want to remove the OCS Server, you need to follow a particular sequence when you decide to remove the server.


Open up the OCS admin console. Navigate through the OCS server FQDN which you want to remove. Right click the server and select following server roles to deactivate in sequence.


A/V Conferencing Server

Web Conferencing Server

Web Component Server

Front End Server


After deactivating above OCS server roles, go to Add/Remove programs. And remove binaries of the following components...

Microsoft Office Communication Server 2007 A/V.

Microsoft Office Communication Server 2007 Web Conferencing.

Microsoft Office Communication Server 2007 Web Components.

Microsoft Office Communication Server 2007 UC managed API.

Microsoft Office Communication Server 2007 Standard Edition Server.


After following above process you can switch off the server.