Windows RSS Platform

Microsoft에서 제공하는 RSS API입니다.
IE 7에서부터 제공하는 단점이 있어서 아직은 적용하기 힘든 API이지만, 앞으로 IE7이 기본이 플렛폼에 제공되기 시작할 때 부터는 적용해 볼만한 API가 아닌가 싶네요.

그런데 아직은 좀 -_ -..

차라리 일반적으로 많이 사용되는 RSS 관련 API를 쓰거나 하는게 낫지 않을지..

대신 인증관련된 부분을 역시 많이 제공하는군요..

The Windows RSS Platform is an API that enables applications to access and manipulate the Common Feed List, a collection of Really Simple Syndication (RSS) feeds to which the user has subscribed. Use the Windows RSS Platform in your applications to:

  • Subscribe to new feeds, and enumerate existing subscriptions.
  • Easily access properties of feeds (channels), feed items, and enclosures.
  • Manage and organize feeds into folders.
  • Listen for and respond to feed and feed folder events.
  • Check the status of the background Feed Download Engine, or modify settings.
  • Normalize the XML source of a feed.

The Windows RSS Platform is available with Windows Internet Explorer 7 on Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2), Windows Server 2003, and Windows Vista.

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